AP College and Career Connections: Computer Science

Interested in computer science? Check out these opportunities.

Take Steps Toward Your Future

The AP Program has partnered with industry leaders to offer scholarships and other opportunities to high school and college students interested in computer science. These opportunities could help you:

Build Skills

Develop your skills in computer science and technology by immersing yourself in an internship or experiential opportunity.

Get Financial Support

Earn a college scholarship to support your study of computer science.

Make Connections

Through internships and experiential opportunities, build relationships with mentors and colleagues who can support and guide you in your career.

I can’t express enough how grateful I am for this scholarship. It will give me a head start paying for college and keep my student loans down. The internship after my freshman year is an opportunity to get invaluable real-life experience in the technology field and provides another way to explore computer science in an environment where I can learn and grow.

2019 Amazon Scholarship Recipient


Amazon Scholarship

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

Amazon offers a college scholarship worth up to $10,000 a year, plus a guaranteed summer internship. Open to current and former AP computer science students graduating from high school who intend to study computer science in college and students majoring in computer science or a closely related field, with a focus on female and underrepresented minority students.

Start Here


Email the AP Program with any questions about these opportunities. Please note that applying for an opportunity does not guarantee that you will receive it.