All AP Exam Scores Have Benefits

Students who earn AP Exam scores of 1 or 2:

  • Often earn a higher score on the next AP Exams they take
  • Are more likely to attend college and graduate on time than students who don’t take AP

This means that taking your AP Exam and giving it your best effort sets you up for greater success in future AP classes and for a smoother transition to college.

Students who earn a 2 on an AP Exam do significantly better in introductory college classes. Over 90% of college freshman who earned a 2 said they are doing well or very well in college courses that cover similar content.

Persisting through challenging coursework and showing up to do your best on exam day is what the AP experience is all about. No matter your score, taking an AP Exam shows your dedication to complete college-level work and that helps you stand out to colleges and universities.

And remember, your AP Exam score is only one measure of your progress. Regardless of your score, completing your AP course and exam gets you closer to achieving your college goals.


"Your AP class is similar to the courses you’ll experience at college. And like a college course, it’s important to finish strongly by taking your AP Exam and seeing the class through to the end. Regardless of your exam score, the hard work you put in all year will benefit you in college and beyond."

— John Barnhill,
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management,
Florida State University