Sending AP Scores

To get college credit or placement for your AP scores, you have to request that we send an official AP score report to the college.

Keep in Mind

Use your free score send by June 20.

You can send your scores for free to one recipient every year that you take AP Exams. Make sure to take advantage of your free score send before the June 20 deadline.

More Details

You can send scores online anytime for a fee.

You can order as many score reports as you need online after scores are released.

Score reports include both this year's and past AP Exam scores.

Your score report includes all your scores from all the AP Exams you took in the past. Your entire score history will be sent to your designated college, university, or scholarship program unless you choose to withhold or cancel any of your scores.

You should check college deadlines.

If you’re a senior entering college in the fall, check your college’s deadline for getting AP scores. We encourage you to send scores as soon as possible to make sure they’re received in time.

You can look up past AP Exam dates.

You can look up exam dates for the past five years if you need to know when you took an AP Exam.

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Key Dates

June 20

Deadline to Indicate Your Free Score Send Recipient

This is the deadline to choose the college, university, or scholarship program you want to send your 2025 AP score report to for free. You can send one score report for free every year that you take AP Exams.