Yes. You can’t order AP Exams directly, but you should be able to arrange to take exams at a nearby high school that administers AP Exams. Here’s how.
Your first step is to search the AP Course Ledger. The AP Course Ledger is the official, up-to-date, comprehensive list of schools that have passed the AP Course Audit. You can search by country, state/province, or city to find a school where you might be able to test. After finding schools near you that offer the courses you want to take exams for, do an internet search for the school’s phone number. Then call and ask to speak with the school’s AP coordinator to learn if the school is allowing students from other schools to test there this year.
Look for and contact schools as early in the school year as possible. Note that schools may have their own local deadlines and policies for receiving requests from outside students to test at their school, so you’ll want to give yourself as much time as possible to contact schools. Updates will be made to the AP Course Ledger every November, so if you still need to find possible schools, you can check the Ledger again in November to see if any schools in your area were added. The exam ordering deadline for schools is November 15.
When you find an AP coordinator able to administer your AP Exam(s), they are responsible for ordering your exam materials, telling you when and where to report for the exams, and collecting the exam fees.
Note: If you’re unable to find a school by November 15, you can keep looking. At their discretion, a school could add you to their order after November 15, and they could request that the late order fee be waived in that circumstance. But because schools can set their own deadlines and policies related to ordering and fees, start looking for a school as early as possible.
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