AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Exam Tips

Here are some strategies for answering the free response questions on exam day.

  • Before beginning to solve the free-response questions, it is a good idea to read through all of the questions to determine which ones you feel most prepared to answer. You can then proceed to solve the questions in a sequence that will allow you to perform your best.
  • Monitor your time appropriately on the free-response section. You want to ensure that you do not spend so much time on one question that you do not have enough time to at least attempt to answer all of them.
  • Show all the steps you took to reach your solution on questions involving calculations. If you do work that you think is incorrect, simply put an “X” through it, instead of spending time erasing it completely.
  • Many free-response questions are divided into parts such as (a), (b), (c), and (d), with each part calling for a different response. Credit for each part is awarded independently, so you should attempt to solve each part. For example, you may receive no credit for your answer to part (a), but still receive full credit for part (b), (c), or (d). If the answer to a later part of a question depends on the answer to an earlier part, you may still be able to receive full credit for the later part, even if that earlier answer is wrong.
  • Organize your answers as clearly and neatly as possible. You might want to label your answers according to the sub-part, such as (a), (b), (c), etc. This will assist you in organizing your thoughts and help to ensure that you answer all parts of the free-response question.
  • Include the proper units for each number where appropriate. If you keep track of units as you perform your calculations, it can help ensure that you express answers in terms of the proper units. Depending on the exam question, it is possible to lose points if the units are wrong or are missing from the answer.
  • Don't use the “scattershot” or “laundry list” approach: i.e., writing many equations or lists of terms hoping that the correct one will be among them so that you can get partial credit. For exams that ask for 2 or 3 examples or equations, only the first 2 or 3 examples will be scored.
  • Be sure to clearly and correctly label all graphs and diagrams accordingly. Read the question carefully, as this could include a graph title, x and y axes labels including units, a best fit line, etc.

Look for Task Verbs

Pay close attention to the task verbs used in the free-responses questions. Each one directs you to complete a specific type of response.

Here are the task verbs you'll see on the exam:

  • Calculate: Perform mathematical steps to arrive at a final answer, including algebraic expressions, properly substituted numbers, and correct labeling of units and significant figures. Also phrased as “What is?”
  • Compare: Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences.
  • Derive: Starting with a fundamental law or relationship, perform a series of mathematical steps to arrive at a final answer.
  • Describe: Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic.
  • Determine: Make a decision or arrive at a conclusion after reasoning, observation, or applying mathematical routines (calculations).
  • Draw: Create a diagram or schematic that illustrate relationships, depicts physical objects, or demonstrates consistency between different types of representation. Labels may or may not be required.  
  • Estimate: Roughly calculate numerical quantities, values (greater than, equal to, less than), or signs (negative, positive) of quantities based on experimental evidence or provided data. When making estimations, showing steps in calculations is not required.
  • Indicate: Provide information about a specified topic, without elaboration or explanation.
  • Justify: Provide qualitative reasoning beyond mathematical derivations or expressions to support, qualify, or defend a claim.
  • Label: Provide labels indicating unit, scale, and/or components in a diagram, graph, model, or representation.
  • Plot: Draw data points in a graph using a given scale or indicating the scale and units, demonstrating consistency between different types of representations.
  • Rank: Arrange quantities in relation to each other, typically by size or magnitude.
  • Sketch: Create a diagram, graph, representation, or model that illustrates or explains relationships or phenomena, demonstrating consistency between different types of representations. Labels may or may not be required.
  • Verify: Confirm that the conditions of a scientific definition, law, theorem, or test are met in order to explain why it applies in a given situation. Also, use empirical data, observations, tests, or experiments to prove, confirm, and/or justify a hypothesis.
