
Digital AP “Dry Run” Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions,” or “Agreement”) are a legal contract between you and College Board (“College Board” or “we”). They set forth important rules and policies you must follow related to taking the Digital AP Dry Run. Please read these carefully.

All disputes between you and College Board will generally be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with Section 8 of this Agreement. You understand that by agreeing to arbitration, you are waiving your right to resolve disputes in a court of law by a judge or jury except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement.


Section 1. Requirements for the Digital AP Dry Run 
Section 2. Prohibited Items 
Section 3. Prohibited Behaviors 
Section 4. Privacy 
Section 5. Miscellaneous 
Section 6. Policies and Requirements 
Section 7. Intellectual Property Rights 
Section 9. Venue and Waiver of Jury Trial 
Section 11. Disclaimer of Warranties 
Section 12. Severability 
Section 13. Restricted Registrations 
Section 14. Accessibility of These Terms and Conditions

Section 1. Requirements for the Digital AP Dry Run

The Digital AP Dry Run is taken at a test site or at home on a Testing Device as defined below. It is administered on the College Board Bluebook™ digital testing application (“Exam App”) that must be downloaded to your Testing Device. 

You will be taking an exam that closely approximates an actual digital AP English Language and Composition Exam or an AP Precalculus Exam. You will NOT have access to your answers or the essays you write after the exam. Your answers and essays will NOT be scored; however, we ask that you test just as you would in an actual AP exam. 

As an incentive for your participation (“testing incentive”), you will be provided with a gift card ($50 for remote testers or $100 for in-person testers) if you complete all required steps, including: 

  • bringing a fully charged personal Testing Device (if testing in person)
  • installing the Exam App on your Testing Device
  • completing both sections of the sample digital AP English Literature and Composition Exam or the sample digital AP Precalculus Exam in accordance with the policies listed in Step 4 below
  • reporting any issues to your test proctor or through a post exam survey, or if participating remotely, contacting customer service for any issues that prevent starting the exam, continuing the exam or submitting a completed exam
  • timely completion of the post-exam survey sent to you by email

Please note that you will not receive your testing incentive if you do not complete all the steps listed above. 

Step 1: Testing Device. 

You will need an eligible fully charged testing device ("Testing Device”) that can connect to the internet to take the test. Personal Testing Devices are one of the following: Windows laptop or tablet, Mac laptop, or iPad. You can also use a Chromebook if it is a School-Managed Testing Device as defined below. You cannot take the Digital AP Dry Run on a mobile phone. You are responsible for making sure your Testing Device is running on the latest operating system software, and if it isn’t, you must update it prior to testing. The Testing Device must have sufficient charge to last the duration of the test and setup.

The two types of Testing Devices are:

Step 2. Exam App Installation. 

The Exam App must be downloaded onto your Testing Device. If using a Personal Testing Device you will need to download the Exam App yourself from prior to testing. If you are using a School-Managed Testing Device, you must confirm that you have the most recent version of the Exam App (Bluebook) installed on the device.

Step 3. Test Day.

In-Person Testing

  • On test day, a College Board staff member will direct you to your testing room.   
  • Your proctor will provide you with 3 sheets of scratch paper.
  • You will follow the instructions provided to you by the Exam App and your proctor.  
  • You will connect to your test site’s internet. 
  • You will launch the Exam App (Bluebook) and log in using your College Board student account (email and password).
  • You must bring the following items (“Required Items”):
  • You may also bring the following on test day unless your test site prohibits these items:
    • A power cord and/or a portable charger. (We can’t guarantee you’ll have access to an outlet during testing.)
    • An external mouse and mouse pad if you use one.
    • An external keyboard if you use one. (You can only use external keyboards with tablets—not laptops.)
  • Internet Connection: The Exam App is designed to work with an intermittent connection to the internet. An internet connection is required to start the test and to submit results at the end of the test. You will receive instructions from your proctor on test day if there is an outage.

Remote Testing

  • Gather the following items prior to testing (“Required Items” unless otherwise specified): 
    • Fully charged Testing Device with the Exam App installed.
    • Pencil for scratch work.
  • You may also have:
    • A power cord and/or a portable charger. (We can’t guarantee you’ll have access to an outlet during testing.)
    • An external mouse and mouse pad if you use one.
    • An external keyboard if you use one. (You can only use external keyboards with tablets—not laptops.)
  • 10 minutes prior to your start time, be sure you’re at your desk with all necessary supplies and that the Exam App (Bluebook) is downloaded and open on your Testing Device. 
  • Confirm that your local internet connection is strong and that your Testing Device is connected. 
  • Sign in to the Exam App (Bluebook) with your College Board student account (email and password).
  • Follow the instructions provided to you by the Exam App.  
  • Internet Connection: The Exam App is designed to work with intermittent connection to the internet. An internet connection is required to start the test and to submit results at the end of the test.

Step 4. Taking the Test.

  • Sections: The Digital AP Dry Run is a sample AP English Language and Composition Exam or sample AP Precalculus Exam consisting of 2 sections. Once time runs out in a section, you cannot return to any questions from it. 
  • Managing Your Time: The Exam App has a timer that will count down the minutes and seconds remaining in each section. You can hide the timer, but once there are 5 minutes remaining, the timer will become visible until time is up. When time expires, your work will be automatically saved and submitted if you are connected to the internet. You will not be able to keep working on a question after time expires. You are required to stay for the full duration of the test. You cannot end a section early or submit your answers before the timer runs out. 
  • No Other Open Programs or Applications: Prior to testing, you must close all other programs or applications on your Testing Device. You cannot work in any other program or application while the test is running, and you cannot paste work into the Exam App from another program or application. You cannot have any open apps on your Testing Device at any point during testing. The only exception is for your use of approved assistive technology where you have been approved for testing accommodations by College Board.
  • Answer Submission in the Exam App: You must enter your answers in the Exam App. You will not submit any handwritten work, files, or photos. You must not close your Testing Device lid until your answers are submitted. Closing the Testing Device lid before this point may prevent answers from being submitted and cause your test to be incomplete. Answer submission happens automatically if your Testing Device is connected to the internet when the Digital AP Dry Run ends. If your answers were successfully submitted, you will see a confirmation screen indicating so. However, if your Testing Device is not connected to the internet when the Digital AP Dry Run ends, return to the Exam App (Bluebook) when you do have an internet connection and try again. 
  • WARNING. College Board is not responsible for your failure to follow the steps, directions, and instructions relating to taking the Digital AP Dry Run. You may be ineligible to receive a testing incentive and/or prevented from testing, in College Board’s sole discretion, for such failure.

Section 2. Prohibited Items

You may not bring prohibited items to the in-person Digital AP Dry Run. Prohibited items include:

If you do not bring the required items, or if you bring prohibited items, you may be denied admission to the in-person Digital AP Dry Run.

Note: Some exceptions to the above may apply if a test taker has received a College Board–approved accommodation.

Section 3. Prohibited Behaviors

You may not engage in the prohibited behaviors set forth below:

  • Attempt to cheat, or otherwise obtain an unfair advantage on Digital AP Dry Run.
  • Remove or attempt to remove any test questions or responses or any notes or scratch paper from the testing room, including through memorization, give them to anyone else, or discuss them with anyone else through any means, including, but not limited to, email, text messages, or the internet.
  • At any time, improperly access or attempt to improperly access the test site, the test (or any part of the test), an answer key, or any information about the test.
  • Engage in any way in (i) theft or attempted theft of test content including through Exam App intrusion; (ii) post-exam manipulation of test content, responses or test administration data; (iii) attempting to adversely impact or adversely impacting College Board or your test site’s network or Exam App through any means including cybersecurity means.
  • Attempt to give or receive assistance, including by copying or through the use of an answer key.
  • Discuss, record, copy, or share information about the test including questions, answers, or form of a test, or any other information that might compromise the security of the test at any time (including before the test, during the test, during breaks, or after the test).
  • Communicate with other test takers or other individuals in any form while testing is in session.
  • Allow anyone to see your test questions or answers or attempt to see or copy others’ test questions or answers.
  • Consult notes, other people, electronic devices, textbooks, websites, or any other resources during the test or during breaks.
  • Have subject-related information on your clothing, shoes, or body.
  • Use or access any prohibited items including devices or aids such as, but not limited to, mobile phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, other oral or written communication devices or wearable technology, cameras, notes or reference books, etc., during or in connection with the test, including during breaks.
  • Have any applications running on your Testing Device other than the Exam App or approved assistive technology or visit any other digital resource(s) or website(s) during the test.
  • Fail to turn in or store away a mobile/smartphone in accordance with your test site’s collection process.
  • Leave the testing room permanently prior to the conclusion of all sections of the test. Students may only test in their assigned testing room. 
  • Go to a locker or leave the designated testing area at any time during the test administration, including during breaks.
  • Deliberately attempt to and/or take the test for someone else or attempt to have someone else impersonate you to take the test.
  • Provide false information to College Board.
  • Disturb others during the test.
  • Consume food or drink in unauthorized areas or times.
  • Exhibit or engage in confrontational, threatening or unruly behavior, conduct, or communication toward or concerning others including, without limitation, any test taker, test administrator, proctor, employee of College Board, or College Board contractor.
  • Allow an alarm or a personal item to sound in the testing room.
  • Fail to follow any of the test administration rules set forth in these Terms and Conditions or in other registration information or directions given by the testing staff or rules of the test site.
  • Utilize or attempt to utilize any artificial intelligence (“AI”) tools, including, without limitation, AI writing solutions such as Generative Pre-trained Transformer (“GPT”) 3 and 4 and subsequent versions or developments.
  • Deliberately sabotage, damage, or attempt to remove the Testing Device from the testing room or test site during the administration of the test.

Section 4. Privacy

  1. Privacy Policies. College Board recognizes the importance of protecting your privacy. Our privacy policies located on the College Board website at  (“Privacy Policies”), and also available to you under Help on the Exam App homepage, are part of these Terms and Conditions. You consent to the collection, use, and disclosure by College Board of your personally identifiable information as described in our Privacy Policies and these Terms and Conditions. College Board may update its Privacy Policies from time to time, and they are subject to change up to 1 week prior to your test /dry run date and any subsequent test dates that you register for. You are required to review the Privacy Policies located at prior to each test administration.
  2. Testing Device and Activity Data.
    Testing Device Data: When you download and use the Exam App, College Board will receive certain information about your Testing Device, including device type, operating system type and version, applications and processes running on your device, Internet Protocol (IP) address, screen size and resolution, number of screens, available memory, storage and disk bytes, disk mount, type and size, battery level, and other device-specific information for the purposes described below. 
    Activity Data: We also capture and monitor the actions you take in the Exam App, including your responses, where you click, where you put your mouse on the page, how long you spend on each page, ctrl/alt/delete attempts, and how you navigate through the Exam App. 
    Testing Device Data and Activity Data: Testing Device Data and Activity Data (collectively, “Data”) may be used by College Board to make sure your device is compatible with the Exam App, for test security purposes, for test validation and research, and to develop and improve College Board products and services. Data may be disclosed to trusted vendors, but only in their provision of services to College Board, and we may disclose aggregated and deidentified Data. Data is not sold or licensed to third parties, including without limitation for their marketing purposes or other commercial purposes. We may share Data with your school, district or state education department related to the Digital AP Dry Run you take on the Exam App, including any misuse of the Exam App. You will also be asked to type specific sentences in the Exam App. Neither data nor those typed sentences are used for biometric identification.

Section 5: Miscellaneous

  1. Testing Devices
  2. To ensure the integrity of the Digital AP Dry Run, for security reasons, or for other reasons in our sole discretion, College Board reserves the right to bar any individual or group of individuals from registering for and/or taking any future College Board assessments.
  3. If College Board becomes aware that you or someone else may be in imminent danger, we reserve the right to contact the appropriate individuals or agencies, including your parents, guardians, high school, or law enforcement agencies. We may also provide the relevant content, along with any personal information, to those contacted.
  4. All personal property brought into the test site, such as purses, bags, backpacks, mobile phones, calculators and other electronic devices, may be subject to search at the discretion of College Board and testing staff. Searches may include the use of tools or other methods, that detect prohibited devices and/or their use. College Board and testing staff may confiscate and retain for a reasonable period of time any personal property suspected of having been used, or capable of being used, in violation of our test security and fairness policies, for further investigation.
  5. College Board will not be responsible for personal property, including prohibited items, brought to the test site on test day that becomes lost, stolen, or damaged.

Section 6. Policies and Requirements

  1. All College Board policies and requirements referenced in these Terms and Conditions as well as those shared with you over email communications for this Digital AP Dry Run are part of these Terms and Conditions. College Board may update its policies and requirements from time to time, including without limitation Testing Device requirements, and they are subject to change up to 1 week prior to your Dry Run date.

Section 7. Intellectual Property Rights

  1. All College Board tests, including the Digital AP Dry Run, test-related documents and materials, and test preparation materials (“Test Content”) are copyrighted works owned by College Board and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries.
  2. All software, webpages, algorithms, processes, and technologies, including the Exam App through which you access and take the exam, your answers are scored, and the test is secured and proctored, but excluding your Testing Device, your internet service provider (ISP) and the public internet, belong to College Board and its licensors.
  3. You shall not screenshot or attempt to make any image of, copy, or download Test Content or the Exam App. You shall not attempt to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Exam App.
  4. All answers and answer documents you submit on the Digital AP Dry Run are owned by College Board, and these may be used by College Board for any purpose, subject to the Privacy Policies located on the College Board website, and these Terms and Conditions.


  1. General Arbitration Rules ("General Arbitration Rules")
    1. All disputes between you and College Board and/or any or all of its contractors that relate in any way to registering for, participating in, or taking the Digital AP Dry Run, including but not limited to requesting or receiving test accommodations, the use of your data, or test security issues, shall exclusively be resolved by binding arbitration or small claims court. By agreeing to arbitration in accordance with this section, you are waiving your right to have your dispute heard by a judge or jury except as set forth below.
    2. Either you or College Board can seek to have a claim resolved in small claims court if the rules of that court will allow it. Additionally, if the claims asserted in any request or demand for arbitration could have been brought in small claims court, then either you or we may elect to have the claims heard in small claims court, rather than in arbitration, at any time before the arbitrator is appointed, by notifying the other party of that election in writing. Any dispute about whether a claim qualifies for small claims court shall be resolved by that court, not by an arbitrator. In the event of any such dispute, the arbitration proceeding shall remain closed unless and until a decision by the small claims court that the claim should proceed in arbitration.
    3. If no party elects small claims court, the claims must be resolved through binding, individual arbitration before a single arbitrator. The arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) under the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules in effect at the time a request for arbitration is filed with the AAA. Copies of the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules are located at The arbitrator will have the authority to resolve any dispute regarding the scope or enforceability of this Agreement, except only a court can decide claims that a party violated the intellectual property rights of the other party. In addition, only a court can decide issues relating to (a) the pre-arbitration requirements contained in this Agreement or (b) the interpretation of the prohibition of class and representative actions contained in this Agreement.
    4. Before commencing a small-claims-court or arbitration proceeding, the claimant must provide the other party with a written notice of dispute that includes the claimant’s name and contact information, a detailed description of the dispute, relevant documents, the specific relief sought, and the claimant’s signature. If you are the claimant, you should send the notice of dispute to Legal Department, 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10281. You and College Board agree to attempt to resolve the dispute through informal good-faith negotiation within sixty (60) days from the date the notice of dispute is sent. If the parties are unable to resolve a dispute within sixty (60) days after a fully complete notice of dispute is received, you or College Board may commence arbitration, but no arbitration may be commenced during this 60-day period. If any aspect of the requirements in this subsection have not been met, a court can enjoin the filing or prosecution of an arbitration or the assessment of any arbitration fees. In addition, unless prohibited by law, the arbitration provider cannot accept or administer the arbitration, nor assess any fees for such an arbitration. If the arbitration already is pending, it must be dismissed.
    5. The parties agree that an administrative conference with the AAA shall be conducted in each arbitration proceeding, and you and a College Board company representative shall appear at the administrative conference via telephone. You may be accompanied by your counsel or other representative at the administrative conference, but you must attend personally. If you fail to appear at the administrative conference, regardless of whether your counsel attends, the AAA will administratively close the arbitration proceeding without prejudice, unless you show good cause as to why you were not able to attend the conference.
    6. This arbitration will be conducted as a documents-only arbitration (i.e., there will be no in-person or telephone hearing) unless otherwise agreed by the parties or required by the arbitrator. Should the parties agree to or the arbitrator require proceedings, such proceedings should be conducted at a location which is reasonably convenient to both parties with due consideration of their ability to travel and other pertinent circumstances. If the parties are unable to agree on a location, the parties agree that the proceedings will be conducted via a video or telephonic call or, in the event that face-to-face proceedings are agreed to by the parties or required by the arbitrator, at a location that is reasonably convenient to both parties in accordance with the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator may consider rulings in arbitrations involving other individuals, but an arbitrator’s rulings will not be binding in proceedings involving different individuals. The existence and content of the arbitration proceedings, including documents and briefs submitted by the parties; any correspondence from the AAA; and correspondence, orders, and awards issued by the arbitrator shall remain strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the express written consent from the other party, unless disclosure to the third party is reasonably required in the context of conducting the arbitration proceedings or related court proceedings.
    7. The parties agree that the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) 9 U.S.C. § 1 et seq. governs this provision, and it is the intent of the parties that the FAA shall preempt all State laws to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    8. No arbitration may be maintained as a class or collective action; you and College Board agree to bring a claim only on your or own behalf and cannot seek a relief that would affect other individuals. Unless all parties agree otherwise, the arbitrator shall not have the authority to consolidate the claims of more than 1 individual, conduct any class or collective proceeding, make any class or collective award, or make an award to any person or entity not a party to the arbitration, without the express written consent of College Board.
    9. Payment of all filing, administrative, and arbitrator fees and costs will be governed by the AAA’s rules. You are required to pay the AAA’s initial filing fee, but we will reimburse you for this filing fee at the conclusion of the arbitration to the extent it exceeds the fee for filing a complaint in a federal or state court in your county (or parish) of residence. If the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all fees will be governed by the AAA Rules, and we will not reimburse your initial filing fee and may seek applicable fee-shifting.

Section 9. Venue and Waiver of Jury Trial

All disputes arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions that are not subject to arbitration under Section 8 shall be resolved exclusively in the state and federal courts located in New York County, New York State, and each party to these Terms and Conditions irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of such courts. Each party expressly waives any right to a jury trial in any lawsuit arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions.



Section 11. Disclaimer of Warranties


Section 12. Severability

If any provision or part of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way, and, to the extent possible, the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall be modified so that it is valid, legal, and enforceable and, to the fullest extent, reflects the intention of the parties.

Section 13. Restricted Registrations

College Board, along with our service providers overseas, is subject to U.S. economic sanctions, laws, and regulations and is prohibited from providing testing services to, or accepting registrations from, persons residing in certain areas or designated by the U.S. government as Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (collectively, “Sanctioned Persons”), unless specifically licensed or otherwise authorized by the U.S. government. If a Sanctioned Person attempts to register despite U.S. sanctions that prohibit College Board from doing business with such Sanctioned Person, College Board or a U.S. financial institution may block the registration or payments submitted by or for such Sanctioned Persons. If payment is not blocked, College Board is required to cancel the registration and may not be able to refund the payment. Please contact College Board Customer Service at 877-348-5728 or the website of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to obtain the current list of sanctioned programs and Sanctioned Persons.

Section 14. Accessibility of These Terms and Conditions

If you have difficulty accessing these Testing Rules, including our policies and requirements, please contact College Board Customer Service at 877-348-5728 or in advance of registering or taking the Digital AP Dry Run. We will be happy to provide these Terms and Conditions in an alternative format or assist you in some other manner as reasonably necessary to enable you to access these Terms and Conditions and participate in the Dry Run.