AP Credit Policy Search
Your AP scores could earn you college credit or advanced placement (meaning you could skip certain courses in college). Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.
Seminole State College
Seminole, OK
Seminole State cooperates fully with accredited high schools and colleges in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. To qualify for college credit, students must earn a score of 3 or higher on the nationally administered examination in May. Credits will not be awarded for examinations that duplicate coursework or other exam credits previously posted to a student's academic record. To award credit, the College needs an Official Grade Report. Students are awarded credits only; they are not given grades for AP courses and AP courses are not included in the GPA.
For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.
Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.
Offers credit for qualifying AP Exam scores |
Offers placement into advanced courses for qualifying AP Exam scores |