University of Northwestern - St. Paul

Saint Paul, MN

Contact the Registrar's Office ( or Adult & Graduate Studies ( to learn the maximum number of credits allowed for standardized examinations. Minimum score of 3 needed but higher scores may lead to additional credits.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 34ART1035
AP 3-D Art and Design 34ART2251
AP Art History 44ART1005 and ART History selective
AP Biology 34BIO1011/BIO1011L
AP Biology 48BIO1011/BIO1011L, BIO1012
AP Calculus AB 44MAT2121
AP Calculus BC 48MAT2121, MAT2122
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore44MAT2121
AP Chemistry 48CHE1021/CHE1021L, CHE1022
AP Chemistry 34CHE1021/CHE1021L
AP Chinese Language and Culture 34CHN1001
AP Chinese Language and Culture 48CHN1001, CHN1002
AP Comparative Government and Politics 34POS1005
AP Computer Science A 34COS3271
AP Computer Science Principles 32COS1011
AP Computer Science Principles 44COS1011 and COS2112, or COS2015
AP English Language and Composition 34ENG1105 or ENG1107
AP English Literature and Composition 34LIT1000 (Literature elective)
AP Environmental Science 34SCI1010/SCI1010L
AP European History 44HIS1005
AP French Language and Culture 34FOR1001
AP French Language and Culture 48FOR1001, FOR1002
AP German Language and Culture 34FOR1000
AP German Language and Culture 48FOR1000, FOR1050
AP Human Geography 34GEO1005
AP Italian Language and Culture 48FOR1000, FOR1050
AP Italian Language and Culture 34FOR1000
AP Japanese Language and Culture 48FOR1000, FOR1050
AP Japanese Language and Culture 34FOR1000
AP Latin 48ACL2021, ACL2022
AP Latin 34ACL2021
AP Macroeconomics 34ECO2201
AP Microeconomics 34ECO2202
AP Music Theory 34Northwestern Music Theory Placement Exam results determine music credits awarded. Any remaining credits to electives, if needed.
AP Physics 1 34PHY1101/PHY1101L
AP Physics 2 34PHY1102/PHY1102L
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 44PHY1202/PHY1202L
AP Physics C: Mechanics 44PHY1201/PHY1201L
AP Psychology 34PSY1005
AP Research 33ENG2205
AP Research 463 cr of ENG2205; 3 cr of ELE1000 (elective)
AP Spanish Language and Culture 48SPA1001, SPA1002
AP Spanish Language and Culture 34SPA1001
AP Statistics 44MAT2055
AP United States Government and Politics 34POS2005
AP United States History 34HIS1005 or HIS2001 or HIS2002
AP United States History 58Any two of HIS1005, HIS2001, HIS2002 (any remaining credits to electives, if needed)
AP World History: Modern 44HIS1005