Albertus Magnus College

New Haven, CT

With a score of a 3 or higher on the AP test administered by the College Board. For IB higher level exams, scores of 4 or higher are accepted for credit. Any individual credits transferred may be applied as elective credits.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 36AR 122 & AR 000
AP 3-D Art and Design 36AR 113 & AR 000
AP African American Studies 33SO 246
AP Art History 36AH 230, AH 231 or AH 232 & AR 000
AP Biology 38BI 111, BI 111L, BI 112, BI 112L
AP Calculus AB 34MA 121
AP Calculus BC 38MA 121 & MA 122
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore34MA 121
AP Chemistry 38CH 121, CH 121L, CH 122, CH 122L
AP Chinese Language and Culture 36LC 000
AP Comparative Government and Politics 33HI 125
AP Computer Science A 33CIS 000
AP Computer Science Principles 36CIS 000
AP Drawing 36AR 111 & AR 000
AP English Language and Composition 36EN 106 or EN 107 & EN 000
AP English Literature and Composition 36EN 106 or EN 107 & EN 000
AP Environmental Science 33SC 000
AP European History 36HI 315 & HI 316
AP French Language and Culture 36LC 000
AP German Language and Culture 36LC 000
AP Human Geography 33EL 000
AP Italian Language and Culture 36LC 000
AP Japanese Language and Culture 36LC 000
AP Latin 36LC 000
AP Macroeconomics 33BE 204
AP Microeconomics 33BE 205
AP Music Aural Subscore33MU 000
AP Music Non-Aural Subscore33MU 111
AP Music Theory 36MU 111 & MU 000
AP Physics 1 34SC 131 & SC 131L
AP Physics 2 34SC 132 & SC 132L
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 33SC 000
AP Physics C: Mechanics 33SC 000
AP Precalculus 33MA 120
AP Psychology 33PY 111
AP Research 33EL 000
AP Seminar 33EL 000
AP Spanish Language and Culture 36LC 111S & LC 112S
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 36LC 000S
AP Statistics 33BE 202, MA 117, PY 218 or MA 345
AP United States Government and Politics 33PO 112
AP United States History 36HI 121 & HI 122
AP World History: Modern 36HI 111 & HI 112