American International College

Springfield, MA

Students who have completed Advanced Placement courses in high school may receive some college credit for work completed if they have taken the appropriate AP examination and earned a grade of 3, 4, or 5. Official score reports must be sent to the Admissions Office from the Advanced Placement program. The number of credits granted for achieving a grade of 3 or better will vary depending on the specific subject.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 33AHA1009- Exploring Arts and Humanities Elective( General Education Requirements)
AP 3-D Art and Design 33AHA1009- Exploring Arts and Humanities Elective( General Education Requirements)
AP Art History 33ART1000- History of Art
AP Biology 38BIO1400/01- Biology II BIO1500/01- Biology II
AP Calculus AB 34MAT2400- Calculus I
AP Calculus BC 38MAT2400- Calculus I MAT2500/01- Calculus II
AP Chemistry 38CHE1600/01- General Chemistry I CHE1700/01- General Chemistry II
AP Chinese Language and Culture 33AHH1009- Humanities Elective
AP Comparative Government and Politics 33POL1500- Comparative Politics
AP Computer Science A 33ELE1009- General Elective
AP Drawing 33AHA1009- Visual Arts Elective
AP English Language and Composition 33ENG1201- English Composition I
AP English Literature and Composition 36ENG1202- Analytical Writing
AP Environmental Science 34BIO1130- Environmental Biology
AP European History 33SOG1009- Global Context Elective
AP French Language and Culture 36FRE1201- Elementary French Language and Culture I FRE1202- Elementary French Language and Culture II
AP German Language and Culture 36AHH1009- Humanities
AP Human Geography 33SOG1009
AP Italian Language and Culture 33AHH1009- Humanities Elective
AP Japanese Language and Culture 33AHH1009- Humanities Elective
AP Latin 33AHH1009- Humanities Elective
AP Macroeconomics 33ECO1401- Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics 33ECO1402- Microeconomics
AP Music Theory 33MUS1000- Music Appreciation
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 34PHY1600/01- General Physics I
AP Physics C: Mechanics 34PHY1800/01- General Physics II
AP Psychology 33PSY1200- Introduction to Psychology
AP Research 33INT1009- Interdisciplinary Elective ( General Education Requirement)
AP Seminar 33INT1009- Interdisciplinary Elective ( General Education Requirement)
AP Spanish Language and Culture 36SPA1201- Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I SPA1202- Elementary Spanish Language and Culture II
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 33AHH1009- Humanities Elective
AP Statistics 33CRJ2302- Statistics MAT1430- Statistics MAT2004 - Bio Statistics PSY2302- Statistics
AP United States Government and Politics 33POL1400- Intro to American Politics
AP United States History 36HST1510- U.S. History to 1877 HST1520 U.S.History since 1877
AP World History: Modern 36HST1420- World History I HST1430- World History II