University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

To be considered for AP credit and/or placement, students must ask the College Board to send us their official test results. Generally, scores from the senior year of high school reach us by late July, and we notify students via an online portal of the credit they'll receive.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 33ARTS Elective
AP 2-D Art and Design 43ARTS 102
AP 3-D Art and Design 33ARTS Elective
AP 3-D Art and Design 43ARTS 103
AP African American Studies 33AAAD Elective
AP African American Studies 43AAAD 231
AP Art History 33ARTH 152
AP Biology 34BIOL 101, BIOL 101L
AP Calculus AB 20MATH 110P, MATH 129P
AP Calculus AB 34MATH 110P, MATH 129P, MATH 231
AP Calculus BC 20MATH 110P, MATH 129P
AP Calculus BC 38MATH 110P, MATH 129P, MATH 231, MATH 232
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore20MATH 110P, MATH 129P
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore34MATH 110P, MATH 129P, MATH 231
AP Chemistry 34CHEM 101, CHEM 101L
AP Chemistry 58CHEM 101, CHEM 101L, CHEM 102, CHEM 102L
AP Chinese Language and Culture 34CHIN 203
AP Comparative Government and Politics 33POLI Elective
AP Comparative Government and Politics 43POLI 130
AP Computer Science A 33COMP 101
AP Computer Science A 56COMP 101, COMP 110
AP Drawing 33ARTS Elective
AP Drawing 43ARTS 104
AP English Language and Composition 33ENGL Elective
AP English Literature and Composition 33ENGL Elective
AP English Literature and Composition 53ENGL 191
AP Environmental Science 33ENEC Elective
AP Environmental Science 44ENEC 202
AP European History 33HIST 104
AP French Language and Culture 33FREN Elective, Placement into FREN 203
AP French Language and Culture 46FREN Elective, FREN 203, Placement into FREN 204
AP French Language and Culture 59FREN Elective, FREN 203, FREN 204, Placement into FREN 255, 260, or 262
AP German Language and Culture 33GERM Elective, Placement into GERM 203
AP German Language and Culture 46GERM Elective, GERM 203, Placement into GERM 204
AP German Language and Culture 59GERM Elective, GERM 203, GERM 204, Placement into GERM 301 or 302
AP Human Geography 33GEOG 120
AP Italian Language and Culture 33ITAL Elective, Placement into ITAL 203
AP Italian Language and Culture 46ITAL Elective, ITAL 203, Placement into ITAL 204
AP Italian Language and Culture 59ITAL Elective, ITAL 203, ITAL 204, Placement into ITAL 300
AP Japanese Language and Culture 33JAPN Elective
AP Japanese Language and Culture 44JAPN 203
AP Latin 33LATN Elective
AP Latin 43LATN 203
AP Latin 56LATN 203, LATN 204
AP Macroeconomics 33ECON Elective
AP Macroeconomics 43ECON 100
AP Macroeconomics 47ECON 100, ECON 101
AP Microeconomics 33ECON Elective
AP Microeconomics 43ECON 100
AP Microeconomics 47ECON 100, ECON 101
AP Music Theory 33MUSC 121
AP Music Theory 57MUSC 121, MUSC 130, MUSC 131
AP Physics 1 33PHYS Elective
AP Physics 1 44PHYS 114
AP Physics 2 33PHYS Elective
AP Physics 2 44PHYS 115
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 33PHYS Elective
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 44PHYS 115
AP Physics C: Mechanics 33PHYS Elective
AP Physics C: Mechanics 44PHYS 114
AP Precalculus 30MATH 110P, MAH 129P
AP Psychology 33PSYC Elective
AP Psychology 43PSYC 101
AP Spanish Language and Culture 33SPAN Elective, Placement into SPAN 203
AP Spanish Language and Culture 46SPAN Elective, SPAN 203, Placement into SPAN 204
AP Spanish Language and Culture 59SPAN Elective, SPAN 203, SPAN 204, Placement into SPAN 261
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 33SPAN Elective, Placement into SPAN 203
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 46SPAN Elective, SPAN 203, Placement into SPAN 204
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 512SPAN elective, SPAN 203, SPAN 204, SPAN 261
AP Statistics 33STOR 151
AP Statistics 43STOR 155
AP United States Government and Politics 33POLI Elective
AP United States Government and Politics 43POLI 100
AP United States History 33HIST 102
AP World History: Modern 33HIST 103