Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA

Carnegie Mellon may grant advanced placement and credit for scores of 4 or 5 on exams taken in the Advanced Placement Program. When you take these tests, be sure you request that the results be sent to Carnegie Mellon. Our deans will evaluate scores and inform students in the late summer if AP credit has been awarded.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 4951-011
AP 3-D Art and Design 4951-012
AP African American Studies 5979-017
AP Art History 5960-011
AP Biology 4903-011
AP Biology 5--03-110
AP Calculus AB 51021-120
AP Calculus AB 41021-111
AP Calculus BC 52021-120 & 21-122
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore51021-120
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore41021-111
AP Chemistry 51009-105
AP Chinese Language and Culture 41282-011
AP Chinese Language and Culture 51282-012
AP Comparative Government and Politics 4984-011
AP Computer Science A 41015-110
AP Computer Science A 51215-112
AP Computer Science Principles 41015-110
AP Drawing 5960-012
AP English Language and Composition 5976-011
AP English Literature and Composition 5976-012
AP Environmental Science 4938-012
AP European History 5979-011
AP French Language and Culture 4982-013
AP French Language and Culture 5982-014
AP German Language and Culture 4982-015
AP German Language and Culture 5982-016
AP Human Geography 4966-011
AP Italian Language and Culture 4982-017
AP Italian Language and Culture 5982-018
AP Japanese Language and Culture 41282-019
AP Japanese Language and Culture 51282-020
AP Latin 4966-019
AP Latin 51866-019 & 66-020
AP Macroeconomics 5973-011
AP Microeconomics 4973-012, AP Economics (student recommended to enroll in 73-104)
AP Microeconomics 5973-011
AP Music Theory 4957-012
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 51233-142
AP Physics C: Mechanics 51233-141
AP Psychology 4985-011
AP Spanish Language and Culture 4982-021
AP Spanish Language and Culture 5982-022
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 4982-023
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 5982-024, 82-341
AP Statistics 5936-200
AP United States Government and Politics 4984-012
AP United States History 5979-012
AP World History: Modern 5979-015