Northwestern University

Evanston, IL

Northwestern applies one policy regarding how much test credit is awarded to all undergraduate students regardless of major or school. In nearly all areas Northwestern awards credit for scores of 5; in some cases credit is also awarded for scores or 3 or 4. Each undergraduate school then determines how the credit may apply to degree requirements.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 51Art 2XX
AP 3-D Art and Design 51Art 2XX
AP African American Studies 51BLK_ST 2XX
AP Art History 51ART_HIST 2XX
AP Biology 51BIOL_SCI 1XX
AP Calculus AB 41Math 220-1
AP Calculus AB 52Math 220-1, 2
AP Calculus BC 33see Mathematics AB
AP Calculus BC 42Math 220-1,2
AP Calculus BC 53Math 220-1,2 & Math 226-0
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore41Math 220-1
AP Calculus BC: AB Subscore52Math 220-1, 2
AP Chemistry 41Chem 1X0
AP Chemistry 54Chem 1X0, 1X1, 1X2, and lab courses 11X, 12X
AP Chinese Language and Culture 52Chinese 1LN
AP Chinese Language and Culture 41Chinese 1LN
AP Comparative Government and Politics 51POLI_SCI 2XX
AP Computer Science A 41COMP_SCI 150-0
AP Computer Science Principles 41COMP_SCI 1XX
AP Drawing 51ART 2XX
AP English Language and Composition 52English 1LC
AP English Literature and Composition 52English 1LT
AP Environmental Science 51ENVR_SCI 1XX
AP European History 52HISTORY 2EU
AP French Language and Culture 41French 1LN
AP French Language and Culture 52French 2LN
AP German Language and Culture 52German 2LN
AP German Language and Culture 41German 1LN
AP Human Geography 51GEOG 1XX
AP Italian Language and Culture 52Italian 2LN
AP Italian Language and Culture 41Italian 2LN
AP Japanese Language and Culture 52Japanese 1LN
AP Japanese Language and Culture 41Japanese 1LN
AP Latin 41Latin 2LN
AP Latin 52Latin 2LN
AP Macroeconomics 51ECON 201-0
AP Microeconomics 51ECON 202-0
AP Music Theory 51GEN_MUS 252-0
AP Physics 1 51Physics 130-1 and 13X-1
AP Physics 2 51Physics 130-2 and 13X-2
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 51Physics 135-2 and 136-2 (for exams taken either before or after calendar year 2020)
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 51Physics 1XX and 1XL (for exams taken in 2020)
AP Physics C: Mechanics 51Physics 135-1 and 136-1
AP Psychology 51PSYCH 110-0
AP Spanish Language and Culture 41Spanish 2LN
AP Spanish Language and Culture 52Spanish 2LN
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 52Spanish 2LT
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 41Spanish 2LT
AP Statistics 41STAT 210-0 (for exams taken either before or after calendar year 2020)
AP Statistics 41Stat 1XX
AP Statistics 51STAT 210-0
AP United States Government and Politics 51POLI_SCI 2XX
AP United States History 52HISTORY 2US
AP World History: Modern 52HISTORY 2WL