Duke University

Durham, NC

All Advanced Placement Exams completed with a score of 4 or 5 are recorded on a student's permanent Duke record. The classes may be used for placement into higher-level courses and to satisfy departmental major and minor requirements, as allowed by the individual departments. Trinity College of Arts and Sciences students may apply up to 2 of these elective course credits toward the degree requirement of 34 course credits, with up to 6 additional credits awarded for acceleration toward the degree. The Pratt School of Engineering evaluates AP credit as Trinity College does, but students may receive credit and placement for all qualifying classes.

For more information, view the credit policy on this college's website.

Additional restrictions and requirements may apply to the policy listed below. For more detailed information, visit the college's AP policy on the Web or contact the college directly.

Exam Name
Min Score Required
# of credits
Equivalent course
Sort examTitle ascending Sort minScore Sort numCredit Sort courseEquivalent
AP 2-D Art and Design 5--ARTSVIS 21
AP 3-D Art and Design 5--ARTSVIS 21
AP African American Studies 4--AAAS 99
AP Art History 5--ARTHIST 20
AP Biology 4--BIOLOGY 20 or 21
AP Biology 5--BIOLOGY 20 or 21
AP Calculus AB 5--MATH 21
AP Calculus BC 4--MATH 21
AP Calculus BC 5--MATH 21, 22
AP Chemistry 5--CHEM 21
AP Chemistry 4--CHEM 20
AP Chinese Language and Culture 5--CHINESE 203
AP Comparative Government and Politics 4--POLSCI 21
AP Computer Science A 4--COMPSCI 101L
AP Computer Science Principles 5--COMPSCI 20
AP Drawing 5--ARTSVIS 21
AP English Language and Composition 4--ENGLISH 22
AP English Literature and Composition 4--ENGLISH 20
AP Environmental Science 4--ENVIRON 20
AP European History 4--HIST 25, 26
AP French Language and Culture 5--FRENCH 204
AP German Language and Culture 5--GERMAN 29
AP German Language and Culture 4--GERMAN 29
AP Italian Language and Culture 5--ITALIAN 204
AP Italian Language and Culture 4--ITALIAN 204
AP Japanese Language and Culture 4--JAPANESE 203
AP Japanese Language and Culture 5--JAPANESE 203
AP Latin 5--LATIN 25
AP Latin 4--LATIN 25
AP Macroeconomics 4--ECON 22
AP Microeconomics 4--ECON 21
AP Music Theory 4--MUSIC 161-1
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4--PHYSICS 26
AP Physics C: Mechanics 4--PHYSICS 25
AP Psychology 5--PSY 11
AP Spanish Language and Culture 5--SPANISH 204
AP Spanish Literature and Culture 4--SPANISH 204
AP Statistics 5--STA 20
AP United States Government and Politics 4--POLSCI 20
AP United States History 4--HIST 23, 24
AP World History: Modern 4--HISTORY 21