How to Practice for AP Exams

The best way to get ready for an AP Exam is to participate in your AP class. 

It also helps to set aside consistent study time, complete all assignments from your teacher, and use the available resources in AP Classroom. 

You can access free-response questions and scoring information for past exams at any time to see how students were scored.


  1. Start in your AP class.

    Ask your AP teacher to go over the exam format with you in class, if they haven’t done so already.

  2. Ask your teacher about the practice resources in AP Classroom.

    AP Classroom is a suite of digital tools that teachers can use throughout the year to help you prepare for the AP Exam. The tools include progress checks with multiple-choice and free-response questions your teacher can unlock for you to receive personalized feedback on the skills and topics you’re learning in the course. Your teacher may also assign AP practice or released exam questions using the AP Question Bank. In addition, you can access AP Daily videos that cover all course content and skills to help support your learning.

  3. Go to your course’s exam page.

    Start at the AP Courses and Exams page and find your subject. Once you’re on your course page, go to the About the Exam tab. You’ll find the exam date, details about the exam structure, and exam-taking tips.


    AP Courses and Exams

    Start at the AP Courses and Exams page to learn more about each exam, including structure, timing, and topics that will be covered.

  4. Scroll to the Exam Preparation section of your exam page for practice materials.

    You’ll find resources and links to help you prepare, such as questions from real exams, scoring guidelines, and sample student responses on AP Central.

  5. Try a test preview in Bluebook for digital AP Exams.

    You’ll first need to download Bluebook. Then, you’ll log in with your College Board account information and select the Test Preview card.