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About the Course
How can we meet the needs of a growing population while sustaining natural resources? How can the global community collaborate to address environmental challenges? What does science tell us about our relationship with and dependence on the earth? In AP Environmental Science, you’ll learn how to use the tools of science to address these and other big questions about our planet’s future.
Skills You'll Learn
Explaining environmental concepts and processes
Analyzing data, visual representations, and writings
Applying quantitative methods in solving problems
Proposing a solution for an environmental problem and supporting your idea with evidence
Analyzing a research study to identify a hypothesis
Equivalency and Prerequisites
College Course Equivalent
A one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science
Recommended Prerequisites
Two years of high school laboratory science, including life science and physical science, along with at least one year of algebra
Exam Date
About the Units
The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.
Course Content
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AP Environmental Science can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors