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About the Course
Do you know in which countries Spanish is spoken? And do you know that in Mexico, in addition to Spanish, there are more than 67 indigenous languages? Do you want to learn which Hispanic painters were known as “The Elephant and the Ant,” or which is the highest navigable river in the world? Immerse yourself in this cultural adventure through the second most spoken language in the world, and learn about issues such as family, identity, health, technology, global challenges, art, and many other topics.
¿Sabes en qué países se habla español? ¿Y sabes que en México además del español hay más de 67 lenguas indígenas? ¿Quieres aprender a qué pintores hispanos se les conocía como ‘El elefante y la hormiga’ o cuál es el río navegable más alto del mundo? Sumérgete en esta aventura cultural a través del segundo idioma más hablado del mundo y aprender sobre asuntos como la familia, la identidad, la salud, la tecnología, los desafíos mundiales, el arte, y muchos otros temas que seguro expandirán y enriquecerán tu mente y te convertirán en un ciudadano mundial.
Skills You'll Learn
Understanding Spanish when you hear it and read it
Holding conversations in real-life situations
Writing stories, letters, emails, essays, and other texts
Equivalency and Prerequisites
College Course Equivalent
An intermediate level (typically third- or fourth-semester) college course in Spanish language
Recommended Prerequisites
There are no prerequisites, but students are typically in their fourth year of high-school-level study. In the case of native or heritage speakers, there may be a different pathway of study leading to this course.
Exam Date
About the Units
The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.
Course Content
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AP Spanish Language and Culture can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors