Selected Works Overview

Follow these guidelines when building and submitting the Selected Works section of your portfolio.

Sign In to the AP Digital Portfolio

The Selected Works section of your portfolio should feature five artworks that best demonstrate skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.

AP 3-D Art and Design

For AP 3-D Art and Design, you’ll submit ten digital images of five artworks (two views of each work). The second image of each work should be taken from a different vantage point than the first view, or it can be a detail, if the detail informs the evaluator about a particular aspect of the work.

AP 2-D Art and Design and AP Drawing

For AP 2-D Art and Design and AP Drawing, you’ll submit five digital images of five artworks.

For All 3 Courses

  • Carefully select five works that best demonstrate your skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.
  • There is no preferred or unacceptable material, process, idea, style, or content.
  • These works may also be submitted in your Sustained Investigation section, but they don’t have to be.
  • Selected Works may be related, unrelated, or a combination of related and unrelated works.
  • When you upload your images, for each work, you must identify the materials and processes used, as well as ideas that are visually evident in your work.
  • Your responses to the prompts are evaluated along with the work you submit. The most successful responses in relation to the assessment criteria used here are clearly related to the images of work submitted, directly and completely address the prompts, and provide further evidence of skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas shown in the work.
  • Although responses are not evaluated for spelling, grammar, or punctuation, you should make sure your responses are written clearly (e.g., don’t use extreme text speak or eliminate spaces between words).
  • Do not use special characters or symbols, other than these acceptable symbols: , . ? ! _ - ` ~ @  # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = /\ | < > : ; ” ’ [ ] \ { } |.


Key Dates

Fri, May 9, 2025


AP Art and Design Portfolio Due Date

AP Art and Design students must submit digital portfolios to AP by this date.



AP Art and Design Digital Submission Guide for Students

Review this guide for complete instructions to submit your AP Art and Design portfolio components as final.