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About the Course
Do you want to figure out how quickly you’ll reach 10,000 followers on Instagram? In AP Precalculus, you’ll explore concepts such as polynomial and exponential functions that can help you calculate your rise to influencer status, and many more concepts related to functions, logarithms, and trigonometry that can be applied beyond the classroom.
Skills You'll Learn
Algebraically manipulating functions, equations, and expressions
Translating mathematical information between representations
Communicating with precise language, and providing rationales for conclusions
Equivalency and Prerequisites
College Course Equivalent
A college precalculus course or a college algebra with trigonometry course.
Recommended Prerequisites
You should have successfully completed introductory algebra and geometry courses. In particular, you should be able to demonstrate proficiency with linear functions, polynomial addition and multiplication, factoring quadratic trinomials, using the quadratic formula, solving right triangle problems involving trigonometry, solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, algebraic manipulation of linear equations and expressions, and solving systems of equations in two and three variables. You should also be familiar with piecewise-defined functions, exponential functions and rules for exponents, radicals (e.g., square roots, cube roots), and complex numbers.
Exam Date
About the Units
The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.
Course Content
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AP Precalculus can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors