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About the Course
If you’ve ever been curious about how the websites and apps you love are built, this introductory computer science course is for you. You don’t need a coding background to succeed, and your school will provide the computer. In AP Computer Science Principles, you’ll learn how computers and technology impact our daily lives by examining the apps we use, how our personal data is collected, and how technology can have positive and negative consequences.
Skills You'll Learn
Making connections between concepts in computing
Designing a program to solve a problem or complete a task
Applying abstractions in computation and modeling
Analyzing computational work
Communicating ideas about technology and computation
Working collaboratively to solve problems
Equivalency and Prerequisites
College Course Equivalent
A first-semester introductory college course in computing
Recommended Prerequisites
High school algebra course
Exam Dates
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AP Computer Science Principles can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors