
Filling in Your Answer Sheet and Exam Booklet

On exam day, your proctor will give you directions about how to fill in your responses on your answer sheet and in your free-response booklet. Not following these directions could affect your score.

  • All your answers for the multiple-choice section must be indicated on your answer sheet by filling in the appropriate circles. Do not write your answers for the multiple-choice section in the exam booklets. If you do, your answers will not be scored.
  • Answers for the free-response section must be written in the Section II free-response booklet. Section II also has an additional orange booklet containing exam questions or reference information—do not write answers in these orange questions/reference booklets.
  • All answers for the free-response section must be in English, with the exception of the AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP French Language and Culture, AP German Language and Culture, AP Italian Language and Culture, AP Japanese Language and Culture, AP Spanish Language and Culture, and AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exams. Any responses not adhering to this policy will not be scored.


Note: For digital AP Exams, your proctor will provide the information needed to complete Bluebook check-in and start the exam.