What to Bring on AP Exam Day
We’ll update this page later in the year with details about what to bring and what not to bring to your AP Exam.
Details about required and prohibited items are in the AP Exam Terms and Conditions, which are updated every spring. We’ll let you know via email when the AP Exam Terms and Conditions are available for this year.
A student observed with any prohibited items during testing or breaks may be dismissed from the exam, the device may be confiscated, the student’s score may be canceled, and no retest may be permitted.
Follow any specific health and safety protocols for the exam room that your school may have in place. AP policies allow you to bring hand sanitizer to the room, but it must be placed under the desk, not on the desk. You may use any other PPE (such as masks) following your school’s current requirements.
Before exam day:
- Check with the school or center where the exam is being administered to find out what room the exam is being administered in.
- Plan to arrive well before your exam’s scheduled starting time.