
AP Art and Design Portfolio Timeline

See dates, deadlines, and what to do when throughout the year.

Start of the School Year

March–May 2025

  • Continue working on your 3 portfolio components (Sustained Investigation Images, Written Evidence, Selected Works) in the AP Digital Portfolio. You can delete, add, or rearrange images until you submit your work as final. Important: Only select Submit as Final in the AP Digital Portfolio when you’re ready to submit your work as final. If you submit a portfolio component (Sustained Investigation Images, Written Evidence, Selected Works) as final, the only way to make revisions is if your teacher returns your portfolio component to you through the AP Digital Portfolio. 
  • Submit your portfolio components as final by your teacher’s deadline. May 9, 8 p.m. ET, is the deadline for students to submit their portfolio components as final to the AP Program through the AP Digital Portfolio. However, teachers (or AP coordinators for students not working with a teacher) will likely set their own deadline before May 9. 
  • By May 9, 8 p.m. ET, ensure all 3 of your portfolio components (Sustained Investigation Images, Written Evidence, Selected Works) are submitted as final in the AP Digital Portfolio. Only portfolio components submitted as final by this deadline will be scored.
  • Important: Shortly before the deadline, go back to the AP Digital Portfolio and check that your 3 portfolio components are marked as complete. This is indicated by a black checkmark under each portfolio component on your Class Summary Overview page. In rare instances of technical errors, your teacher may return a portfolio component to you in the AP Digital Portfolio with recommendations for changes you can make. If this happens, you’ll need to make any necessary changes and resubmit the portfolio component as final by the May 9 AP Program deadline for it to be sent for scoring.

Key Dates

Fri, May 9, 2025


AP Art and Design Portfolio Due Date

Your teacher or AP coordinator will likely set an earlier deadline, which you should follow, but you must submit all three AP Art and Design portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio by this date.



AP Art and Design Digital Submission Guide for Students

Review this guide for complete instructions to submit your AP Art and Design portfolio components as final.