AP Exam Accommodations

If you have a disability that affects how you test, you may be eligible for accommodations on your AP Exams.

Keep in Mind

You may be able to test with accommodations.

If you have a documented disability, you may be able to receive an exam accommodation. There is a wide range of accommodations available, including extended time, large-print exams, a written copy of spoken test instructions, and permission to use a braille device, computer, or magnifying device. Speak with your AP coordinator and SSD coordinator if you have questions.

If you get accommodations at your school, you’re likely eligible.

If you already receive accommodations from your school or have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Plan, you will also likely qualify.

Most students work with their schools.

Schools usually have an SSD coordinator who helps students during the accommodations request process. Most students work with their schools to submit accommodations requests online.

College Board has to approve your accommodations in advance.

In order for you to receive accommodations on the exam, College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office has to approve your request. If you test using accommodations that haven’t been approved by us in advance, your scores will be canceled.

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