Submit Portfolio Components as Final

Sign In to the AP Digital Portfolio

After you’ve completed your work in each portfolio component, your next step is to submit each portfolio component as final to the AP Program for scoring.

Submit your portfolio components by your teacher’s or AP coordinator's deadline. They'll need time to review your components. All components must be submitted as final to the AP Program by the AP Program deadline: May 10, 2024 8 p.m. ET.


You’ll need to complete the steps below for each portfolio component: Sustained Investigation Images, Sustained Investigation Written Evidence, and Selected Works.

1. Select Submit Final for each portfolio component.

Once you’re ready to submit your component, select Submit Final.

2. Review your work.

After you select Submit Final, you’ll be required to review your work one final time to verify that it’s correct. 

3. Confirm statements about your work.

You’ll be required to acknowledge that you’ve reviewed your work, that your work does not contain any personally identifying information, and that you understand you can’t make any changes to your work once you submit your portfolio component.  

4. Agree to the Digital Portfolio AP Exam Terms and Conditions and the Artistic Integrity Agreement.

These are the last steps before you’ll submit your portfolio component as final.

5. Select Submit.

Once you’ve submitted the portfolio component as final, you’ll see the following message:  

Student Final Submit Message

6. Make sure your portfolio components have been submitted.

Once you’ve submitted all three portfolio components as final, go to the Class Summary Overview page to ensure that there’s a checkmark under each component. This indicates that the portfolio component is complete.

Once all three components are submitted, you can select Download for a PDF file containing your complete portfolio.

Summary Overview Complete

7. Before the AP Program’s deadline, confirm that your work is still marked as complete in the AP Digital Portfolio.

In the rare event of a technical error, your teacher may return your portfolio component(s) to you with recommendations on how to correct the submission. If this happens, you’ll need to resubmit your portfolio component(s) as final by the AP Program deadline for it to be sent to the AP Program for scoring.

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Selected Works